JetBackup Restore Error 500

When attempting to restore a cPanel account using JetBackup, encountering an error 500 within the JetBackup interface can be distressing. However, this issue is commonly encountered during the restoration process and is typically temporary. Let’s break down why this happens and how to resolve it.

Cause of the JetBackup Error 500

During the restoration process, JetBackup modifies and restores critical files related to the cPanel interface. When restoring a full account, the existing account is first terminated, and then the full account is restored.

If you remain logged into the cPanel interface during this process, your session becomes invalid because the associated account is being restored. Consequently, the cPanel UI may encounter issues, including the error 500.

Solution to the problem

The key solution is patience. Allow the restoration process to complete fully. Once the process finishes, log out of the cPanel interface and then log back in. By doing so, you establish a new session associated with the restored account, and the error 500 should no longer occur within the JetBackup interface.

Restoring an account involves various complex steps, so temporary errors are normal. After completion, everything should return to normal. If issues persist even after the restoration process, consider reaching out to our support team for further assistance.

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